

I am no longer a Hogsback Hobbit! James, my partner and I have sold the property in Hogsback, have bought a delightful little 30ft Rayvin catamaran which we have named “Dayo1” and are living aboard her while we fit her out for some serious cruising!!

Dayo 1

Dayo 1

In days gone by……….

I’ll be honest with you – I’ve resisted filling in the details on this page out of pure panic.

About Diane Holmes is very, very difficult for Diane Holmes to write about. I’m also not photogenic, I’ve decided. At least I vainly believe I look better than the photos I have of myself.

Taken in Tulear, Madagascar, 2010

I am tempted to copy Marita van der Vyver’s clever and whimsical introduction of herself in her book “Die Hart Van Ons Huis” – loosely translated as “Where The Heart Is”. If so – an attempt to create a romantic illusion would be to say I live in a tiny mountain village,

Hogsback, a tiny mountain village in South Africa

in the folds of the serpentine, Amatola mountain range at the tip of Africa and have done so for 30 years this year 2011. .

The Amatola mountain range, Africa

And if I would like to appear stylish I would mention that I live in the hippiest house on the mountain that some have said looks like something out of Hogwarts.

“Athanor” A miniature Hogwarts

However, if I wanted to be totally honest with you, I’m a late bloomer. That’s it. I’m approaching the big 50 in a few months time and I’ve done HUGE amounts of personal work during that time, but very little artwork – although I have always been an artist. Call it denial. I’m also not a clever or a sophisticated artist. I don’t expect to get much respect for the subject matter or even the medium of watercolor pencils which I prefer to use right now. It can’t be helped. I have to be true to who I am and believe there are those of you who will find value in that.

I take my inspiration from a famous South African artist, Irma Stern – who understood and beautifully explored being an unsophisticated artist.

Gladioli by Irma Stern